Summer school • Aging well together in Liège ( Sept. 17 > Sept. 23, 2023)

17/09/2023 13:43 - 23/09/2023 13:43

Universities of Liège, Bochum, Deusto, Oulu and Erasmus Rotterdam are launching a one-week Summer School about Aging well in post-industrial territories next September 2023, aiming to bring together students, researchers, local actors and citizens to reflect on paths for future research and developments in that regard.

We believe that aging well in place, and specifically in post-industrial, super-diverse contexts, calls for multi-disciplinary research and co-design of end-users’ driven solutions. This one-week, charge-free Summer School will bring together academics and specialists from health (nursing) sciences, gerontology and gerontechnologies, well-being, intergenerational solidarity and migration, leisure for older adults, communications and engineering, architecture and urbanism, epidemiology, cognitive functions, participatory design… which all will contribute to the multi-disciplinary coaching of the participants. 

Advanced Master students, PhD candidates/students and postdoctoral affiliates from a variety of complementary research fields are welcome to take part in this Summer School and contribute to the emergence of innovative, shared knowledge about what it means to “age well” worldwide. In addition to the 3 ECTS credited with the Summer School, participants gathered in international teams will have the opportunity to :

  • conduct shared field research on a chosen challenge, leading to the co-creation (hand in hand with seniors) of innovative research questions and insights;
  • share local perspectives, local policies, data and best practices about what it means to “grow old” in different european areas;
  • freely access a GeroUNIC-MOOC and its exclusive teaching contents about individual aging in changing societies, functional ability of older adults, comprehensive restorative care and Multi-professional cooperation in supporting successful aging. Participants will receive accreditation for following this MOOC;
  • take part to exciting lectures provided by academic leaders joining from diverse countries;
  • collaboratively work the team challenges bearing in mind each participant’s own research path, and network towards international scientific collaboration (including opportunities for later international internships; post-doctoral stays; co-authorship of a conference paper,...).

Admitted participants will receive Mobility Grants to cover the Summer School expenses.

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