Enacting Superdiversity: Towards Critical Change in Higher Education (17-19 May)

17/05/2022 10:00 - 19/05/2022 11:15

A three-day Superdiversity School organised by ISS21, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit and Access UCC, University College Cork.

Online via MS Teams - all times in GMT


The aim of UCC’s Superdiversity School is to explore the epistemic and practical implications of superdiversity for our practices, policies and ‘ways of being’ in the university. Over three days, we will seek to facilitate shared learning between UNIC partner institutions in different, but interconnected, domains, namely: teaching and learning, and issues of pedagogy; EDI policies and processes; and initiatives that promote access to, and engage with, diverse groups within higher education spaces. The sessions will be led by staff from across UCC, sharing examples of current and developing practice and promoting discussion and learning between UNIC partner institutions. The School will also include a seminar from a guest speaker external to UCC.


To join, please click on the following MS Teams link

10.00 – 10.15

Seminar opening and welcome to the School

Dr Claire Edwards, Director, Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

10.15 – 12.30

Thinking through the ‘superdiverse classroom’: Teaching, learning and critical pedagogies

This session will explore ways in which we can develop critical pedagogies and innovative and inclusive practices in teaching and learning to build the university as a superdiverse space.



Critical perspectives on internationalising the curriculum, Dr Céire Broderick, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies

Hearing differently: Empowering diversity in French, Dr Kate Hodgson, Department of French.

Creating a Community of Praxis: Integrating Critical Global Citizenship and Development Education into pedagogy, research and practice at University College Cork, Dr Gertrude Cotter, School of Education.

Chair: Dr Steve O’Brien, School of Education, UCC



14.00 – 15.30

Guest seminar: Dr Julius Elster, London Metropolitan University

Chair: Dr Piaras MacÉinrí, Department of Geography, UCC.

To join, please click on the following MS Teams link

Epistemic implications of living with difference’

The North London constituency of Tottenham is perhaps a paradigm example of a ‘super-diverse’ community, an area where no single ethnic group predominates. With more than 200 first languages spoken, few places in the world can boast of a more diverse environment than this corner of London. Drawing on recent research with young people in Tottenham, this seminar aims to highlight the epistemological implications of recognising ‘difference’ as an everyday component of life. The talk explores diversity in relation to young people as co-creators of an environment that can facilitate a sense of belonging and a social space in which marginalised groups can claim their multiple identities without being subjected to othering processes.

Biography: Dr Julius Elster is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology and Youth Studies, School of Social Sciences and Professions, London Metropolitan University

Before moving to academia, Julius was a Youth Project Manager for Tottenham Hotspur Football Club and Haringey Council, developing and running outreach programmes in North and East London. Educated at London School of Economics (MSc) and University of Birmingham (PhD), his main field of research draws on his versatile background in youth community development and philosophy of the social sciences.


To join, please click on the following MS Teams link

10.00 – 10.15

Introduction to the day (Dr Claire Edwards, ISS21)

10.15 – 11.00

Access and the University: Key considerations for diverse societies 

Dr Gill Harold, School of Applied Social Studies



11.30 – 13.30

Panel discussion: Accessing the university: Engaging diverse communities

This seminar will explore the different ways in which UCC is seeking to open up the University to diverse groups in society, and promote access initiatives, as well as the challenges in doing so. It will address access initiatives as they relate to different student groups, including people with disabilities, asylum seekers and refugees, and the Traveller community.

Chair: Professor Máire Leane, School of Applied Social Studies

Panellists: Olive Byrne, Head of Access UCC; Dr Dug Cubie, School of Law/Chair of UCC University of Sanctuary Working Programme; Shay Nolan, Employability Programme for Students with Disabilities; Linda Doran, Autism Friendly University; Martin Flynn, Traveller Mentoring Programme



14.00 -15.00

Digital Inclusion Workshop – How it benefits everyone

To join, please click on the following MS Teams link

This online interactive workshop will support you in how to get started with digital inclusion and accessibility. James will take you on a journey where everyone, staff and students, can benefit from more accessible documents and content. Specifically, James will discuss the context of the move towards digital inclusion at UCC and how it is empowering the student experience.

Facilitator: James Northridge, Project Manager at Inclusive UCC


To join, please click on the following MS Teams link

10.00 – 10.15

Introduction to the day (Dr Caitríona Ní Laoire, Deputy Director, ISS21/School of Applied Social Studies)

10.15 – 11.15

Panel discussion: What do we mean when we speak of equality, diversity and inclusion?

This seminar will explore equality, diversity and inclusion issues from a number of perspectives, including stakeholders’ experiences of advocating for the different constituencies pertaining to these areas such as LGBT+ and race equality. Panellists will include members of UCC’s Equality Committee and other staff with experience in this area.

Panellists: Linda Doran, Head of Disability Services, UCC; Dr Laurence Davis, Department of Government and Politics, UCC LGBT+ Staff Liaison Officer; Dr Nita Mishra, Department of Food Business & Development

Chair: Nuala Finnegan, Professor, Department of Spanish, Portuguese & Latin American Studies, Chair of UCC Equality Committee

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