Incentivizing virtual, collaborative, international educational activities

Open Call: Supporting the design, coordinatation and implementation of virtual exchange initiatives that are inclusive and accessible.

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Purpose of this Call

The fund aims to support virtual international educational activities across UNIC university partners. Initiatives may bring individuals together for a first-time collaboration and new activity, or they may consolidate, deepen or transfer an existing engagement; both categories are eligible.

All activities should be inclusive for all learners of the respective courses, e.g. provide accessible documents for visually impaired students, if necessary, or use tools that are accessible for all students and do not require special individual resources, respect care obligations by not having the course after childcare times, etc.

Formal Conditions of the VIP Fund Call

• Format: Virtual international educational activities (Examples: Virtual exchanges; Blended exchanges with a predominant share of virtual teaching, Virtual collaboration on challenge-based learning).

• At least two UNIC university teachers from two different universities design the learning activity collaboratively.

• Students of all participating partner teachers are involved in collaborative virtual international learning activities.

• ECTS recognition for the activities through each participating university.

• Intended integration of the activities in the formal curricula of the participating universities.

• Dissemination/visibility activities are included in the general activity plan.

Who Can Apply?

The call is open to all staff members of all ten UNIC universities (part- and full-time professors, educators, lecturers etc.) involved in teaching. All faculties, topics and disciplines are welcome.

For full call guidelines, criteria and details, please download the call as a PDF below:

Download Call Details (PDF, 76KB)

Submission Guidelines

Call opens 16th of September 2024
Deadline for Submission: 16th of December 2024 (23:59 local time)

Decision and notification: 28th of February 2025
The earliest official starting date of the activities: 17th March 2025

The activities should be completed by 31.03.2027
(all budget must be spent by 31.03.27)

Please note that depending on the amount and quality of the applications during the first call, it will be decided later if a second round will be launched.

How to Apply

Please read the full call details, including information on eligibility and funding criteria. A PDF can be downloaded here.

Based on local administrative frames, there are differences between the UNIC universities concerning the required information in the application form.

Please contact first the UNIC team of your local institution for local guidance in financial questions. The final application documents should be submitted as a single PDF file at your local university.

Contacts and information at each local partner can be found below:

Erasmus University Rotterdam: unic@eur.nl. Local call here.

Koç University: unic@ku.edu.tr

Malmö University: unic@mau.se. Local call documents can be found here.

Ruhr University Bochum: unicteam@rub.de. Local call can be found here.

University College Cork: vipfund@ucc.ie. Local call here.

University of Deusto: unic.ud@deusto.es

University of Liège: unic@uliege.be

University of Lodz: unic@uni.lodz.pl. Local call documents can be found here.

University of Oulu: unic@oulu.fi

University of Zagreb: unic@unizg.hr. Local call here.

Additional Resources for
Potential Applicants

Workshops for University Teachers

As these are innovative and ambitious methods, we invite you to participate in the UNIC workshops for university teachers on Virtual Exchange and collaboration in an intercultural environment. During the workshops, you will have the opportunity to meet colleagues with whom you can plan and organize virtual collaboration and exchange educational activities, which you can then apply for funding through the VIP Fund.

UNIC Handbook for Teachers

To familiarize yourself with the forms and concepts of innovative teaching activities such as virtual mobility and Virtual Exchange and collaboration, we refer you to the UNIC Handbook on Physical and Virtual Mobility.