UNIC Internships

Browse our current opportunities and offers below

What is this programme about?

Within UNIC, you as a student have the opportunity to gain valuable professional and personal experiences through an Erasmus funded internship abroad in one of the UNIC universities, city administrations or companies and organizations in one of the UNIC partner cities.  UNIC internships are also a great opportunity to get to know more about the realities and challenges of our post-industrial cities. 

 Check current internship announcements below and/or contact your local UNIC team to ask about tailored internship opportunities fitting your interest and focus areas. 

After you have secured your internship placement, you can apply for Erasmus internship funding with your local International Office.  

Who can participate and how does it work?

  • Target Group: The program is aimed at students who wish to undertake an internship abroad during their studies or within one year after graduation. 

  • Duration: Internships can last between two and twelve months, depending on local funding regulations and available internship positions. It is also possible to combine multiple internships, as long as the total duration does not exceed twelve months per study cycle (Bachelor, Master, PhD). 

What happens during an internship?

  • Contents: The Internships can be very hands-on or fully research-focused - or something inbetween! Internship tasks can be directly related and contribute to the topics of students’ final theses.  
  • Benefits: An internship abroad in general offers the opportunity to develop professional skills, gain international experience, and enhance employability. It also promotes intercultural competence and language skills. Depending on the individual offer, it can either be paid or unpaid. 

What about Funding and Recognition?

Funding: Students can receive financial support to cover travel and living expenses. The amount of funding varies depending on the destination country, individual needs and if the internship is paid. 

Funding Application: Interested students should contact their local International Office to learn about application procedures and deadlines. Applications for funding are typically submitted through your home university. 

Recognition: The knowledge and skills acquired abroad can be recognized as part of the student’s degree if foreseen in the curriculum. It can also enrich and complement students‘ academic experience. It is recommended to complete a learning agreement before starting the internship to ensure recognition. 


Below you find more information on internationalisation opportunities at the UNIC universities, where research on migration and integration is done at UNIC partner universities, as well as contact information.

Responsible research: publications, data, metrics and merits


31.10. -5.12.2022 (weekly course)

Qualification Area

Research data management


University of Oulu



Finding scientific information and the most important databases. Reference management. Evaluation based on scientific publications. Visibility of researchers and research. Choosing publication channel. Responsible science, open access publishing, and managing of research data. 2 ECTS credits.

Career transition from research to business


Anytime in 2023

Qualification Area

Career orientation


Ruhr University Bochum



The e-learning-course supports you to prepare a career outside academia. It provides basic knowledge and offers exercises for your personal reflection. It conveys important knowledge in video presentations and provides a workbook that helps you to implement and use the knowledge conveyed in the videos for your own career planning.

The E-Learning course guides you to… • analyze and understand your personal reasons for changing careers • identify your personal competencies • understand your own motivations, values and aims • reflect possible ways of working

Methodological conference


11-13 January 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


University of Zagreb


Presence at Faculty of Law of University of Zagreb

Methodological conference - "Research Methodology in Legal Sciences":

  • presentation of methodology that will be applied in the doctoral research of each candidate and active participation in the discussion of that presentation and presentations of other candidates;
  • after the conference doctoral students submit a written paper of approximately 2000 words describing the presentation and discussion.

Introduction to quantitative methodology


11, 18, 25 January 2023, 1 February 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


University of Deusto


Presence (maybe Hybrid)
  • Introduction: The scientific method, epistemological perspective
  • Individuals, variables, datasets, descriptives
  • Introduction to SPSS. Data entry, data checking and editing
  • Frequencies and descriptive statistics
  • The logic of inference
  • Association between nominal variables (crosstabulation and Chi sq)
  • Association between count variables (correlation)
  • Compare means (T-Test and One-way Anova)

How to build research reputation?



Qualification Area

Communication & Career orientation


Ruhr University Bochum


Presence at RUB

Research Communication Day is an interdisciplinary event. It addresses a broader understanding of research communication with the aim of providing strategies, skills, and experiences on how to integrate highly specialized research knowledge into effective communication across (disciplinary) and institutional boundaries. The one-day event combines professional input with skill-building opportunities and an exchange about participants' research projects, bringing together knowledge, methods, and practical experience in a cross-disciplinary dialogue.

Zen thesis: Responsible Management of Research Data


02 March 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


University of Liège



This training covers three areas: o Knowing your data well: integrity of acquisition and selection methods, regulations, management plan... o Using your data well: importance of a well‐ defined methodology, good and bad practices, quality approach in research... o Sharing data well: replicability, open and fair data, use of metadata, archiving and transparency, protection...

The agenda pages and the registration form are only accessible to ULiège researchers. External PhD students from UNIC partner universities can consult the details of the courses in the catalogue https://www.recherche.uliege.be/books/formations-transversales/ and would have to register via the address doc-training@uliege.be specifying that they are involved in the UNIC programme.

Zen thesis: I write my thesis on a daily basis


16 March 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


University of Liège



During this seminar, doctoral students will have the opportunity to:

  • Have tips to implement the conditions favourable to the writing of their thesis.
  • Become more aware and exchange on their own report and experience of writing,
  • Reflect on the expectations of their supervisors in terms of writing,
  • Carry out writing exercises

The agenda pages and the registration form are only accessible to ULiège researchers. External PhD students from UNIC partner universities can consult the details of the courses in the catalogue https://www.recherche.uliege.be/books/formations-transversales/ and would have to register via the address doc-training@uliege.be specifying that they are involved in the UNIC programme.

Societal Impact of Research


31 March - 8 June 2023

Qualification Area

Research & Communication


Malmö University


Presence in Malmö

The purpose of the course is to provide students with a critical insight on the value of societal impact and different methods to plan, evaluate and manage it in relation to their own research field. The purpose is also to provide students with the opportunity to train their capacity to reflectively formulate the societal impact and an impact plan for their research as well as communicate them to relevant actors.

Cultural Determinant of the Organizational Behaviour


21 April - 16 June 2023

Qualification Area

Social Science


University of Lodz



The cycle of lectures „Cultural Determinant of the Organizational Behaviour” will be delivered by Prof. Natasja Holtzhausen (University of Pretoria, RPA). The class will take place online and last 15 hours in total from 21 April until 16 June 2023. More detailed description coming soon. Interested candidates can send an email at unic@uni.lodz.pl to sign up.

Entrepreneurial researchers and creation of spin-off


20 April 2023

Qualification Area

Career orientation


University of Liège


Precense in Liège

The training will outline the process of creating spin‐offs at the university. It especially emphasizes the steps to consider and the panel of stakeholders/organizations involved that support spin‐offs creation at ULiège. Gesval participates in the creation of innovative companies using technologies (patents, software, know‐how, etc ...) from the University of Liege.

The agenda pages and the registration form are only accessible to ULiège researchers. External PhD students from UNIC partner universities can consult the details of the courses in the catalogue https://www.recherche.uliege.be/books/formations-transversales/ and would have to register via the address doc-training@uliege.be specifying that they are involved in the UNIC programme.

Interculturality, norm critique and education


Spring 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


Malmö University


In Presence at Faculty of Education and Society in Malmö

The aim of the course is to explore and discuss how theoretical perspectives on interculturality and norm critique can be operationalized in the study of research problems connected to education. A particular focus is put on recognizing the complexities of making analyses and how theories and methods interact in the analytical process and in relation to the research results.

Doing the systematic literature Review


May 2023

Qualification Area

Research Methods


Erasmus University



This course provides guidance for the full literature review process. Participants are trained in searching and selecting relevant literature, applying different reading strategies, assessing the selected literature, and presenting the findings. We will focus on the systematic and critical way of reviewing literature. PhD researchers from UNIC partner universities do not have to pay a fee to participate in the course.

Migration Research Center at Koç University (MiReKoc) International Summer School


17-28 July 2023

Qualification Area

Migration research-related qualification


Koç University



The international summer school program is on yearly selected theme and topics. It is composed of two weeks of lectures and discussions led by distinguished faculty members, international policy makers and experts; participants additionally have multiple opportunities to share their studies and thoughts with these scholars in an interactive environment.

Mobility Opportunities for PhD researchers at UNIC partner universities

Would you like to collect some experience abroad and widen your networks?

Here you can find further information on internationalisation opportunities at the UNIC universities:

Ruhr University Bochum

RUB Research School: Funding for Internationalization

International Office: International Portal

Erasmus University
University of Zagreb

Faculty of Law, International Office: https://www.pravo.unizg.hr/en/international/office

Central International Relations Office: http://www.unizg.hr/homepage/international-exchange/exchange-students/

Koç University
University of Liège
University of Lodz

More information on mobility opportunities for PhD researchers at UNIC partner universities https://www.uni.lodz.pl/en/mobility


Research on migration and integration at the UNIC partner universities

Would you like to collect some experience abroad and widen your networks? Here you can find further information on internationalisation opportunities at the UNIC universities:

Ruhr University Bochum

Faculty of Social Sciences: Research projects
RUB Research School: SYLFF-Mikrokolleg on "Forced Migration"

Erasmus University

Mostly at the faculties:

  • ESSB (Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences),
  • ISS (International Institute of Social Studies) and
  • ESHCC (Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication)

Prominent examples of research centers are:
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD)
Erasmus Migration & Diversity Institute (EMDI)
International Institute of Social Studies, Migration and Diversity research theme

University of Oulu

University of Oulu

  • Faculty of Education, Research Unit of Values, Ideologies and Social Contexts of Education
  • Faculty of Technology, Department of Architecture, particularly Adjunct Professor Outi Autti’s research project on the Lapland War, forced migration (1944-1945), reconstruction and transgenerational coping (project time 2022-2026)
  • Faculty of Science, Geography Research Unit
  • Mobile North research group (across faculties)
  • Mobile Futures project (across faculties, universities)
  • Research group for Epistemic Matters (across faculties, universities)
University of Zagreb
image description


Would you be interested to write your PhD thesis at two different UNIC universities? A Cotutelle de thèse might be the right option for you! A binational PhD means to have supervisors on two universities in different countries and to spend substantial time doing research at both partner universities. If this is of interest for you, consult with your supervisor on this option.

Contact at the UNIC universities


Ruhr University Bochum
University College Cork
Deusto University
Fadi Hirzalla
Koc University
University of Liege
University of Oulu
University of Zagreb
University of Lodz
Malmö University

Would you like to know more?

UNIC, the European University of Post-Industrial Cities, is an alliance of 10 universities.

UNIC is dedicated to boosting the resilience of universities, cities and their superdiverse communities. The UNIC ambition is to develop innovative and sustainable means of university collaboration that increase student and staff mobility while fostering social inclusion and furthering societal impact

With “UNIC4ER – Engaged Research” the alliance will develop a joint strategy on “engaged research” for enhancing inclusion, impact and mobility within and in between the

partner universities.

The aim is to develop research in cooperation with Cities and Citizens and to increase impact-orientation in research. This is accompanied by open Science trainings and other networking and qualification events, which are open for UNIC PhD

UNIC partners are also members of IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network), Europe's largest interdisciplinary research network in the field of migration, integration and diversity studies. The research network currently consists of 61 research institutes from almost all European countries.

IMISCOE offers further possibilities for PhD networking and training on the field migration.

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