57 including: researchers, students, citizens, organisers.
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A conference proposed in the framework of the 6th “Day of Sustainable and Inclusive Food”, organised by MAdiL, La Maison de l’Alimentation durable et inclusive de Liège. The conference is also part of the UNIC project – European University of Post-Industrial Cities – of which ULiège and the city of Liège are stakeholders. The themes addressed are: What are the links between food and migration? How do the issues of sustainability meet those of multiculturalism?”. Additional details available at https://www.news.uliege.be/cms/c_16948458/en/alimentation-durable-et-multiculturelle-se-rencontrer-pour-relever-les-defis-de-demain
Virtual Place
Haute Ecole Hazinelle
How does the issues of sustainability meet those of multiculturalism? This was the open question of this 1h30 debate related to alimentation.
57 including: researchers, students, citizens, organisers.
The definition of what we meant by "Sustainable" is important to considerate, given the fact that certain practices are, in fact, sustainable, but not labelled as such. There is an institutional definition, but also, "practices-based" ones.
Furthermore, the institutional definition is also made according to our own rules and model and need to be contextualized. The attention dedicated to "sustainability" seems often in contradiction with economic imperatives and therefore, with its accessibility.
The role of the neighborhood is important, in the constitution of local networks and the possibility to "voice" the concerns foreigners might be in face of. The role of children and their point of view is also highlighted (with their openess and curiosity). "Eating is not only a matter of putting things into our mouth, it means something". In that sense, disobedience might also be significant (wasting things, etc.).
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