Migration and social inclusion in the city of Bilbao

A meeting point for citizens, the university and social agents of the city of Bilbao to learn about the context of migration in the city of Bilbao and to identify the main challenges related to the social inclusion of migrant people and groups in the city.


University of Deusto - Garate Room


Start: 10.05.2022
End: 10.05.2022


Basque Service for Integration and Intercultural Coexistence - Biltzen , Sierra Maestra Association , Local Immigration Council of Bilbao

The aim of the session was to identify the main challenges linked to the social inclusion of migrant people and groups in the city of Bilbao. With this objective in mind, the session was organised in three parts: 1) Expository part aimed at contextualising and framing the topic at local level: Presentation 1: Contextualisation of the topic at a global level. Academic perspective - Gorka Urrutia (Human Rights Institute University of Deusto) Presentation 2: Reflection on the state of the issue at local level. Administration/public service perspective - Inmanol Sancosmed (Interculturality technician at the Basque Service for Integration and Intercultural Coexistence - Biltzen). Presentation 3: Presentation of stories and experiences. Practical perspective from the local reality - Milagros Acea (Sierra Maestra Association and Second Vice-President of the Local Immigration Council of Bilbao). 2) Participative part aimed at identifying challenges linked to the social inclusion of migrant people and groups in the city of Bilbao - Organisation of participants in working groups to exchange impressions and reflections together with experts and representatives of migrant groups with the aim of jointly identifying and describing (briefly) the main challenges linked to the social inclusion of migrants in the city of Bilbao. 3) Presentation of conclusions Previously selected students who have actively participated in the group discussions presented the main challenges linked to the social inclusion of migrant people and groups in the city of Bilbao.

Total participants: 20

Total students: 8

Total Staff members: 10

Total representatives of societal stakeholder: 2

Considering what was presented in the first part of the session, the participants worked in groups to identify the challenges for the full participation of immigrant people and groups in the city of Bilbao: CHALLENGES IN THE ECONOMIC AREA

  • Difficulties in changing the student status so that they can combine it with work activities or develop them after completing their studies. Highly skilled immigrant labour force - difficulties for inclusion in the local labour market.
  • Difficulties for immigrant families (or immigrant mothers) receiving benefits to cope with payments (services) that must be fulfilled prior to the payment of benefits.
  • Access to work
  • Housing prices


  • Exercise of the right to the city: Exacerbated surveillance of meeting places or places frequented by migrants. Mistrust in the use of public spaces by these groups. Police treatment of certain migrant groups.
  • Basque - from being a possible element of integration in the local culture, it has become a requirement that excludes and hinders access and integration of both immigrant workers and students. Price reinforcement Ikastolas and the (impossible) compatibility with working life (what immigrant worker or job-seeker has the time/financial means to study 4 or 5 hours of Basque daily?)
  • Bilbao society is still quite uninformed about elements of social inclusion of migrant people and groups (they are afraid of them, they have prejudices, etc.).
  • The business sector in Bilbao (Basque in general), when it manages to attract international talent to its companies, does not know how to socially integrate these people. There are no plans for the social integration of immigrant workers in local companies - it is not known how and what needs a foreign person arriving in a company has (administrative and social integration aspects) - Establishment of intercultural teams.
  • Aporophobia applied to migrants
  • Access to housing
  • Integration process


  • Difficulty for foreign families to enter the education system in Basque - need for more support, information and accompaniment (structural)
  • Migration has changed (profiles) a lot in recent years, but Bilbao and its administrative, political and socio-economic structures have not.
  • Law on foreigners - its restrictions affect the life of an immigrant in different areas.
  • Price regulation - housing prices - rent


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Diversity and Inclusion | Social inclusion | Social rights | Migration

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