Trends & Challenges - Mogens Kirkeby, President of the International Sports and Culture Association (ISCA) presents some of the mega trends and challenges in sport and physical activity that set the stage for the Global Design Challenge 2022.
Empathy in Design Thinking - Dr Briony Supple, Senior Lecturer in Design Thinking, Pedagogy and Praxis at UCC, talks about the need for empathy at every stage of Design Thinking, the importance of thinking about who you are designing your solution for and tools you can use.
Design Fiction - Dr Paidi O’Reilly, Senior Lecturer in Business Information Systems at UCC, talks about how to be more radical in our thinking and solution generation to the challenges we face.
Rapid Prototyping- Dr Fiona Chambers, Head of School of Education, Senior Lecturer in PE and Sport Pedagogy at UCC and founder of the Global Design Challenge, outlines the rapid prototyping process and how it can be harnessed for the Global Design Challenge 2022.
Thinking Ahead to Incubation- Eamon Curtin, Director of IGNITE UCC, talks about how to incubate ideas into successful businesses.
The 2022 challenge focuses on inclusion.
The invitation is for UNIC alliance teams to innovate new ideas to: ‘increase opportunities for engagement in sport and physical activity ensuring that it is accessible to everyone of any ability, age, race or socio-economic background’.
- Furthering the association between Sport and Physical Activity and achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- Providing Design Thinking training to develop human-centred innovation in Sport and Physical Activity
- Enlisting innovation and design thinking departments and students to push the boundaries of possibility in the Sport and Physical Activity sector
- Ensuring communities, non-governmental organisations and businesses are engaged with universities to ground ideas in real needs and solutions.
- Supporting the best teams immediately post-challenge to maintain the momentum in their development and supporting them in connecting with relevant partners.
- Intended Impact
The GDC 2022 will:
- Showcase university talent and innovation in collaboration with communities, non-government organisations and businesses
- Make a significant contribution to the Sport and Physical Activity Sector
- Further the understanding and connection between Sport and Physical Activity and the UN Sustainable Development Goals
- The Global Design Challenge Week will run in October 2022.