"Immigration and undocumented people in Belgium: which reality?"

This workshop aimed to revisit concepts used by medias and politicians when talking about immigration and addressed the question of the legal situation of undocumented people in Belgium and specifically in Liège.


Place du 20 août, 4000 Liège


Start: 11.05.2022
End: 11.05.2022


This workshop, created by Civix Liège, inspired by current events (reception of Ukrainian migrants, French elections, creation of closed centres in Belgium, etc.), aims to review concepts used in the media and by politicians on the subject of immigration in Belgium and especially in Liège.

CIVIX Liège, Elsa Mescoli and Pauline Ansay

Immigration is a complex phenomenon and our representations need to be challenges by facts (related to asylum applications procedures, definition and rights) ; figures (related to immigration) and definition (who are the migrants, how this definition is constructed, etc.). The objective of this conference was to review and question the widely-used-concepts (used by the politicians and the medias) in order to discover the reality that they represent, notably in link with the Ukrainians immigration's flood.


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