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ENGAGENet – Network for Socially Engaged Research and Collaboration

Enhancing city collaboration by developing a research center for socially engaged research on urban planning


Zagreb (Croatia) and Vienna (Austria)


Start: 13.10.2023
End: 13.07.2024


Tor Vergata University of Rome , University of Ljubljana , Austrian Academy of Science

The project is expected to enhance collaboration among the above universities that are members of the project consortium. It will enable the exchange of experiences on engaged research and increase the knowledge of procedures and practices as well as the development of an engaged methodology, it will help to develop a research center for socially engaged research on urban planning. Through the implementation of the project, the UNIC Alliance will reach a new level of collaboration between universities on topics of common interest. The goal of the project, which is being prepared for further funding, is to explore models of stakeholder participation in the governance of target cities and to find effective models of engaged research on open governance of cities.

Engaged scholars:

  • Martina Jakovčić (PI) - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Science, Department of geography
  • Andreas Rienow - Ruhr University Bochum, Institute of Geography
  • Sari Johanna Horvonen-Kantola - University of Oulu, Oulu School of Architecture
  • Roberto San Salvador de Valle - Universidad de Deusto, Cities Lab Katedra, Bilpao Spain
  • Nerea Arambarri - Universidad de Deusto, Cities Lab Katedra, Bilpao Spain
  • María Jesús Monteagudo - Universidad de Deusto, Cities Lab Katedra, Bilpao Spain
  • Fernando Villatoro - Universidad de Deusto, Cities Lab Katedra, Bilpao Spain
  • Giovanna Zavettieri - Tor Vergata University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • Simon Kušar - University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Yvonne Franz - Austrian Academy of Science, Institute for Urban and Regional Research, Vienna, Austria

Engaged societal partners:

  • Ines Franov Beoković - City of Zagreb, Sector for Programs and project of European Union, Zagreb, Croatia
  • Irena Matković - City of Zagreb, City office for Economy, Environmental Sustainability and Strategic Planning
  • Jadranka Veselić Bruvo - City of Zagreb, Bureau for Physical Planning, Zagreb, Croatia


UNIC Seed Fund


Urban resilience and transformation



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