Total participants: 13
Total students: 2
Total Staff members: 10
Total representatives of societal stakeholders: 1
A Collaborative Environment to Boost Sustainable Engaged Research & Co-Production presented in a VMP
Virtual Place
Engaged research offers an interdisciplinary approach and method for the systematic production of knowledge not only for society, but also with and within society. It offers an approach that combines excellence with relevance and an innovative way of understanding current societal challenges through engagement with the social actors and communities directly involved in those challenges. In the first part of the workshop, Diego López de Ipiña (Professor and Principal Researcher of the MORElab/DEUSTEK group) presented a case of the application of this methodology in different areas of knowledge. Through the presentation of the Interlink project, Diego tackled the challenge “realizing human-centric innovation around public services”, i.e. how to give place to novel public services truly addressing the needs and demands of citizens to facilitate their interactions with public administrations.
Total participants: 13
Total students: 2
Total Staff members: 10
Total representatives of societal stakeholders: 1
The INTERLINK H2020 project aims to overcome the barriers that hinder administrations to reuse and share services with private partners (including citizens) by combining the advantages of two often opposed approaches: “top-down” approach where Government holds primary responsibility for creating these services compliant with EU directives, sometimes seeking the support of citizens for specific design or delivery tasks “bottom-up” approach in which citizens self-organize and deliver grassroot services where government plays no active role in day-to-day activities but may provide a facilitating framework
The INTERLINK platform offers a digital environment that facilitates co-production processes between Public Administrations, private stakeholders and citizens and promotes the re-use of software for delivery of public services.
INTERLINK provides a step-by-step guidance for the co-production and co-delivery of public services along with guidelines, tips and templates that facilitate the collaboration of different actors.
Pieces of knowledge or software that your team can re-use and customize to deliver services.
UNIC CityLabs
Diversity and Inclusion