In a talkshow setting, leading figures from the Rotterdam municipality and the Erasmus University Rotterdam discussed what contributions education at Erasmus University could make to the transitions in the city. Making an impact with education is no short task, so identifying a starting point is the crucial first step. Lyanda Vermeulen-Kerstens agrees that education should be shaped with real world in mind. Thus, creating options for students to thrive in not only lecture halls, but also practical fields by inviting them to go beyond the borderline of the university is an emphasis.
Drawing upon that development, Jannelieke Aalstein would like to see students starting their studies by going into the city to learn, to get a grasp of what's happening and what needs changing, and bring those insights with them in every paper they write, every class they take.
Ed Brinksma highlights that the shift to higher education takes students sometime to adjust, and most students come into university without knowing what they want out of their studies. While the fact that students need to get the chances to broaden their horizons remains relevant, we have to take into account the population who attends university for a more conventional approach to their studies.
Albert Wagelmans adds to this opinion by highlighting that students should have foundational knowledge of their choosing before engaging with students and professionals from other disciplines on societal issues.
All in all, the university is on the right track to tackle multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration. The session ends with a consensus: Rotterdammers make Rotterdam. The fire inside the students of Erasmus University Rotterdam to do something meaningful for the society, together with others', can create real impact.
Total participants: 7
Arwin van Buuren, Academic Lead van Impact at the Core (tafelheer)
Ed Brinksma, president of the executive board, Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Jannelieke Aalstein, deputy director issuemakers
Arnoud Molenaar, chief resilience officer, gemeente Rotterdam
Lyanda Vermeulen-Kerstens, Head of the department Education, gemeente Rotterdam
Albert Wagelmans, Professor of Management Science, Erasmus School of Economics
Beitske Boonstra, Assistant professor in Urban Governance, Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Vildana Gacic, Rotterdamse Douwers, Gemeente Rotterdam