
25/25 is an effort towards a more balanced distribution between men and women at the highest academic levels and becoming an equal opportunity employer.


Erasmus University Rotterdam



Ministry of Education Culture and Science

EUR's goal is to contribute to achieving the agreement between universities & the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science: in 2020, 20% of full professors must be women. In 2025, we must reach, as a minimal requirement, 25%.

This is an effort towards a more balanced distribution between men and women at the highest academic levels and becoming an equal opportunity employer, as well as a role model for our students.

Participants of the 25/25 policy will receive:

  • Dedicated mentoring by senior staff
  • Tailor made support for portfolio development
  • Confidential feedback, advise and scoring on your portfolio by an independent panel
  • If eligible, a financial compensation of up to €10.000 Euros to help you take the next step in your career

100 particpants in total, 33 submitted portfolio to receive independent advice.

"33 women had submitted their portfolio and received confidential advice. The projectteam of 25/25 had contact with all (but one) after they received the advice for counsel on next steps and/or financial support, we have 17 one-on-ones. 18 women applied for financial support: 10 applied for support from the faculty and the project, 8 only from the project 8 women shared with us that they were promoted, 5 women shared they left our university due to more promosing functions elsewhere

We shared evaluations with important stakehoders: HR Business partners and deans of all faculties

The general conclusions we shared were:

  • Criteria and process for application for promotion were not (very) transparent/well-known => Recommendation: Criteria and process for application for promotion should be circulated regularly among the faculty staff. Supervisors regularly discuss with their employees wishes/plans for the next step in P&D talks.

Role of the supervisor: sometimes a great help, sometimes a great obstacle. => Recommendation: Investment in leadership skills, emphasis on the importance of the ability to have difficult conversations and the importance of cultural sensitivity."


UNIC Superdiversity Academy | Superdiversity Schools


Diversity and Inclusion | engaged research | HEI

Type of Case

event | Workshop | HEI policy | reports | best practice



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