Joint Masters - Superdiversity in Education, Organisations and Society (SEOS)

Calling graduates of education, social sciences and management who want to analyse and shape European superdiverse societies’ transition to an inclusive, productive and sustainable future.

About the SEOS Master's

SEOS is an interdisciplinary 2-year joint Master‘s programme (120 ECTS) fully delivered in English. It is offered by 8 world-class European universities, part of the European university alliance UNIC, pooling their complementary and internationally renowned expertise in engaged research on superdiversity:

• Ruhr University Bochum (Germany)
• University College Cork (Ireland)
• University of Deusto (Spain)
• Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands)
• Koç University (Turkey)
• University of Liège (Belgium)
• University of Oulu (Finland)
• University of Zagreb (Croatia)

European societies are characterized by complex processes of diversification, which are accompanied by fundamental changes in education, organisations and society. SEOS innovatively responds to these complex transformations: SEOS students explore the impact superdiversity has on education, organisations and the wider society and develop reflexive and co-creative capacities to analyse and shape the transition to an inclusive, productive and sustainable future of Europe’s superdiverse societies.

The SEOS Master‘s is unique in its interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to superdiversity, encompassing three key disciplinary perspectives: educational sciences, social sciences and organisational and management research. Over the course of the programme, SEOS students explore state-of-the-art knowledge and methodologies on superdiversity and related concepts like inclusion, engage with multidisciplinary approaches and ultimately become experts in one of the three disciplinary fields education, organisations and society. A superdiversity lens captures the growing social complexity of diversity, which challenges simplified ways of thinking about diversity (such as along clear ethnic or gender group-lines).

SEOS offers a truly European learning experience with an innovative hybrid learning architecture combining physical and virtual mobility. Another key feature of SEOS is its engagement with the broader urban post-industrial context of all eight partner universities. SEOS students will be provided with transdisciplinary opportunities to engage with local stakeholders across Europe in order to identify and co-create solutions to contemporary challenges related to superdiversity, discrimination and exclusion.

Programme Objectives

SEOS students will explore the impact superdiversity has on education, organisations and the wider society. They will develop capacities to critically analyse complex processes of diversification and collaboratively create a European future that promotes justice and rights-based perspectives through inclusive practice. SEOS aims to equip the next generation of citizens with the 21st-century skills and knowledge needed to address the challenges of superdiverse societies.

Graduates of the programme:

• have achieved an advanced knowledge of the concept of superdiversity and related concepts as well as a fundamental understanding of the ways in which superdiversity plays out in different societal contexts and how it can be taken into account to everyone’s advantage.

• have an in-depth knowledge of theoretical approaches to superdiversity and compare sociological, educational, and economic perspectives on superdiversity, intersectionality, and specific dimensions of discrimination.

• are able to apply different approaches to research and intervention in different domains and combine interdisciplinary and participatory methodological skills.

• have developed professional strategies for appraising superdiversity as a general characteristic of learner groups and organisations, so they can co-create inclusive spaces in superdiverse formal and informal working and learning settings.

Programme Structure

The SEOS Joint Master Programme is offered annually and comprises four (4) semesters, delivered over 2 years (24 months) in a research-led curriculum.

During these two years, you will encounter different cultures, languages, and distinct learning environments, and profit from cutting-edge expertise from each of the eight universities.

The focus of the curriculum is superdiversity as an increasing social complexity of diversity in contemporary societies with a growing acknowledgement of the intersectionality of social categories like ethnicity; race; gender; sexuality; culture; religion; disability; social, economic and legal status; and many other aspects especially in a context of widening global social and economic inequality, mounting environmental crises including biodiversity collapse and climate change, and resource shortages necessary for social and economic transitions.

• SEOS students will explore the impact superdiversity has on education, organisations and the wider society and develop capacities to reflexively and co-creatively contribute to transitions to a future of inclusive, productive and sustainable European societies.

• The programme combines different disciplines, educational approaches, and outstanding facilities in a comprehensive and value-adding way, based on the specific strengths of each Partner University in the relevant fields.

• SEOS combines virtual and physical mobility options, responding to the heterogeneous expectations of a superdiverse, transnational and climate-conscious 21st-century student body.

• Learning, teaching, and research are interconnected, mutually enriching, and learner-centred, and your student journey will be well organised from an administrative point of view, so that you will benefit from tailor-made flexibility, clear guidance and transparent processes.

image description

Programme Modules

Over the course of four semesters, successive stages of learning (fundamentals, multidisciplinary perspectives, in-depth studies, master thesis) are achieved by the SEOS students.

The first semester takes place for all students at Ruhr Universitat Bochum in Germany.

In the second and third semesters, students have the option to choose from three specialisation paths:

  • Path 1: Specialisation in Educational Perspectives
  • Path 2: Specialisation in Organisational Perspectives*
  • Path 3: Specialisation in Social Scientific Perspectives

  • In the fourth and final semester, students are required to complete a Master’s thesis (dissertation), and they can choose to do so in any of the eight participating SEOS universities across Europe.

    Programme Accreditation

    AQAS Seal

    The programme is accredited by the AQAS “Agentur für Qualitätssicherung durch Akkreditierung von Studiengängen e.V” of Germany It complies with the requirements defined by the criteria and Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

    Programme Module Overview

    All information and details about targeted learning outcomes of modules and their overall integration into the study programme are explicitly stated in the Joint Programme and Module Handbook which will be published here soon.

    Following the European Standards for Quality Assurance, each module listed in the Handbook has a concise profile, explaining the relevance of the module to superdiversity as well as the intended learning outcomes, the teaching methods and learning formats, programme and training activities, workload and corresponding ECTS-credits, modes of assessment, and any other necessary information.

    Expected Competencies

    As a joint Master’s programme, the SEOS curriculum design and the learning outcomes are aligned with both the national and the international qualification framework as described in the latest European Qualification Framework standards for higher education (EQF-LLL). Accordingly, the degree programme features modules with specific learning outcomes and competence-oriented examination forms. Graduates of the SEOS programme are expected to have achieved the competences shown below:


    Applicants from diverse backgrounds who meet the necessary entry requirements and admission criteria listed below may apply for this programme.

    Each year, SEOS may accept a study cohort with a total capacity of around 60 students. Admission may be granted to applicants who do not conflict with national legal requirements for admission and meet the eligibility criteria.

    Entry Requirements

    Candidates from diverse backgrounds, who have completed a Bachelor’s degree (university first cycle, Bachelor, EQF level 6) or an equivalent degree, in a discipline of relevance to SEOS, that gives them access to a Master's degree programme and demonstrable experience in themes related to superdiversity in educational, organisational or societal contexts, including but not limited to the following fields:

    Application documents

    Applications must include the following documents:

    • • a copy of passport,
    • • a certified copy of the Diploma (if this document is not in English, an official translation should be attached) and, if available, of the Diploma Supplement. In case that a bachelor’s degree has not yet been handed out to an applicant, a declaration from the relevant authorities that the requirements of a Bachelor degree have been satisfied, must be submitted instead.
    • • certified copies of academic transcripts (if this document is not in English, an official translation should be attached),
    • • a Curriculum Vitae in English,
    • • official proof of language abilities, where applicable.
    • • a structured motivation letter describing their specific interest in the SEOS programme and their envisaged contributions to the programme.

    English Language Requirements

    Applicants who are either nationals of countries deemed by SEOS Partner Institutions to be English-speaking, or hold a Bachelor degree / equivalent qualification which was taught entirely in English will normally be assumed to have met SEOS language requirements. All other students must provide evidence of sufficient knowledge in the teaching languages at least on level B2 as defined in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

    Travel Visas and Residency Permits

    It is the responsibility of the students to check that authorisations required for visa and residence permits are in order before the Partner Institution permits the student’s activities in the SEOS programme to take place for students. The Partner Institutions will make every effort to aid students in obtaining any necessary visa and residence permits before their studies commence.

    Motivation Letter Structure

    The motivation letter should address the following structure:

    • Why do you want to join the SEOS study programme and which specialisation path do you prefer (200 words, single spaced)?
    • What is your disciplinary background/expertise and how does it match the disciplinary requirements of SEOS (200 words, single spaced)?
    • What are the significant challenges of superdiversity that you would like to focus on in SEOS (250 words, single spaced)?
    • What do you expect from the SEOS study programme (100 words, single spaced)?
    • What kind of profession/career path are you aiming for after SEOS (150 words, single spaced)?

    Selection Criteria

    The selection is based on grades, documented prior knowledge and experience in the field, persuasiveness of the motivation letter and language skills. The SEOS Admission Committee may use additional selection tools such as interviews with shortlisted candidates. SEOS considers itself to be an inclusive programme and recruits students worldwide to increase its accessibility and the diversity of its student population. An Equality and Diversity Awareness Programme will be developed and as part of the application process, nationality, gender and disability data is collected. Due consideration is taken to national requirements for admission of students in the countries where the SEOS Partner Universities are located. No Partner Institution is obliged to admit a student in conflict with national legal requirements for admission. Students who do not fulfill national requirements of a partner cannot be accepted.


    Start Winter Semester 2025
    October 2025 - June 2027

    01 March 2025 for all applicants

    15 May 2025 for non-EU/non-EFTA
    15 July 2025 for EU/EFTA

    An additional application period may be opened if there are available places in the programme.
    To be informed about updates, email seos[AT]



    Citizens from EU, Iceland, North Macedonia, Norway, Liechtenstein, Serbia, Turkey
    Per semester: EUR 2,250
    Full programme/course tuition fee: EUR 9,000

    Other citizens
    Per semester: EUR 4,500
    Full programme/course tuition fee: EUR 18,000


    The SEOS programme may only award a limited number of merit-based scholarships to admitted students. Applicants should fund their tuition fees and living costs through personal savings or other means.

    Limited tuition scholarships available at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany:

    We are pleased to announce that the RUB foundation (RUB Stiftung) will be able to offer up to two tuition scholarships for SEOS master’s students enrolling at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. The scholarships cover tuition costs for the regular study period of 4 semesters, excluding social contributions.

    This funding option is available to SEOS students beginning their studies in the Autumn of 2024 (1st cohort) and Autumn of 2025 (2nd cohort). The scholarships will be awarded primarily on the basis of prior academic and professional merit, which will be judged based on applicant’s SEOS application documents.

    A separate application for the scholarships is not necessary. Prospective students’ regular application to the SEOS programme simultaneously functions as an application for the RUB scholarships. Potential recipients will be contacted shortly after they have been accepted as students in the SEOS programme.

    The scholarships may only be awarded to SEOS students who are continually enrolled in the SEOS master’s degree at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, for the whole study period. Since physical student mobility is central to several SEOS study paths, the recipients will still be able study at our other SEOS partner universities during this time. They must register as on leave at RUB during these semesters.

    Country-specific scholarships and funding options

    Apart from using your savings or a sponsor’s support (employer, sponsorship organisations, GoFundMe campaigns), there are other ways to finance your studies in the SEOS programme.

    Applying for a scholarship, grant or educational loan that you are eligible for in your own country of citizenship or residence are possible ways too. Below is a list of possible scholarship or educational loan information resources:

    • Students from Europe can use the European Funding Guide to search for financial support for studies in one of the EU-member states

    • Students from outside of Europe can use the International Financial Aid and College Scholarship Search online database that lists scholarships, grants, international student loan programmes and other information to promote study abroad

    Canadian loan schemes: we may accept students with Canadian loan schemes. For more information please contact

    US student finance: we may accept students with US federal loan programmes. For more information please contact

    Costs Linked to the Participation in the SEOS Programme

    In addition to the annual tuition fees, other administrative and social fees (such as stamp and certification fees, library and laboratory costs, social contribution fees, examination fees) and any other mandatory costs charged by the Partner institutions are to be paid by the students.

    Students also must cover sustenance, accommodation, travel to and from partner universities, visa costs, etc. Any costs arising from unjustified prolongation of studies beyond the standard duration of the programme (four semesters) shall be charged at the publicly published standard rates of the partner institution involved.

    Below is an estimate of the first semester living expenses students should budget for:



    Webinar: UNIC Joint Masters in Superdiversity in Education, Organizati...

    Join us on Friday 02 February, 2024 at 4:00 pm CET for an insightful webinar introducing our n...

    02 Feb 2024 - 02 Feb 2024

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    Why This Programme?

    1. Studying in Europe in a flexible format

    Europe, where the SEOS partner universities are located, is among the most diverse regions. It is a continent characterized by complex processes of diversification and transformations in education, organisations and the wider society.

    The eight participating universities have well-documented expertise in engaged research and teaching on superdiversity and inclusion and are pooling their complementary and internationally renowned expertise to deliver this programme.

    You can explore what each of the eight partner universities offers regarding the campus location, the city, services for students and more in the Student Handbook, which will be made available soon.

    The SEOS 2nd and 3rd-semester specialisation path options give students the flexibility to choose between virtual and physical mobility options according to their individual preferences, budget and family commitments.

    2. Intersectional and interdisciplinary approach to superdiversity

    The SEOS programme will be moving beyond and “in-between” single dimensions of diversity in its core modules and in the options provided for thesis work to admitted students. It brings educational sciences, social sciences and organisation and management studies together while also enabling students to specialise in one of these disciplines.

    3. A booming academic and professional employment field

    In most European countries, there is a need to analyse the impact superdiversity has in these domains and to develop co-creative capacities to shape the transition towards an inclusive European future.

    Graduates with a Master's in Superdiversity and well-developed professional and personal competencies related to diversity and inclusion are in high demand. Employment rates for DEI professionals soared by 85% in the last year, with Germany and France leading the charge. The number of DEI roles has doubled since 2019, and it's no surprise – companies know diverse teams drive innovation and profits. Besides tech companies and banks, governments, NGOs, and universities all need DEI talent. The average salary for a DEI specialist in Europe? A cool €65,000, rising to over €100,000 for senior roles*. So, if you're passionate about creating inclusive classrooms, workplaces and societies, this is the time to invest in your future – Europe’s forward-thinking organisations are waiting!

    Representatives from eight city administrations, companies, NGOs and regional organisations will be invited to present challenges they face and discuss solutions to solve them, which may lead to new projects, suggestions for your Master thesis and new topics for City Labs. This early exposure to potential employers gives an advantage to SEOS graduates interested in pursuing professional career paths after graduation.

    The support provided by the eight partner universitie’s career support and alumni support services will complement the job-readiness of SEOS graduates.

    *Statistics are based on recent reports from Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Eurostat.

    4. A joint degree/diploma

    You will receive a joint degree from eight internationally renowned universities that are highly acknowledged by employers worldwide. You are also a member of a high-performance network: If you decide to pursue a career in academia after graduation, our partner universities offer first-rate doctoral programmes, career support and development options for obtaining executive positions in academia and research.

    5. Dedicated student support and ease of mobility throughout the programme

    During each of the four semesters, the student service units at the partner institutions provide support with respect to all social, cultural and university matters, as well as administrative and legal questions. By offering numerous events and advisory services, you will be assisted not only throughout your social integration in campus life but also when facing academic challenges.

    You will be the recipient of a UNIC European student card. UNIC student cards allow for easy access to seamless European mobility, both virtual and physical; you are not limited to one campus or one city – you gain easy access to eight campuses located in Europe’s up-and-coming post-industrial cities.


    Email us at seos[AT]

    Images on this page are courtesy of Alexis Brown, Ryoji Iwata, and Melody Zimmerman.

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