Large carnivores monitoring in Eastern Türkiye

For more than 15 years, the NGO Kuzey Doğa has been dedicated to managing the conservation of large carnivores in eastern Türkiye, collaborating closely with Koç University and Zagreb University.




Kuzey Doğa

Drawing on our partners' experience in Croatia, where they monitored large carnivores using a citizen science approach and engaged various groups as volunteers, we implemented a similar method here through face-to-face practical education. The UNIC fund supported the transfer of knowledge acquired from our Croatian partners. A practical course was conducted for registered volunteers, including students and individuals from conservation-related government departments and civil society organizations. The week-long course trained participants in essential practices such as camera trapping, identifying animal signs (footprints, scats, scratch marks), and collecting non-invasive samples for genetic analyses. Additionally, participants received an introduction to relevant apps and software necessary for data collection and interpretation. Furthermore, we collaborated on joint publications using the acquired data and explored avenues for expanding bilateral cooperation in research projects. Proposals for Horizon Europe-funded projects were also prepared. Kuzey Doğa provided the necessary structural facilities, research equipment, and field assistance. Prof. Dr. Josip Kusak was involved in the project as affiliated with Zagreb University. Res. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Morteza Naderi from Koç University served as the project's Principal Investigator (PI).


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