UNIC Open Science Campus

Within the Open Science Campus, UNIC believes that research should know no boundaries. Whether you're a working researcher seeking to enhance your Open Science skills, a recent high school graduate eager to dive into research, or a citizen looking to engage on solving issues relevant to you and your community, our comprehensive selection of resources and training will empower you to unlock your full potential.

The UNIC consortium is developing an Open Science Campus, a set of applications and IT services which will enhance the visibility of our engaged research and provide our researchers, students and staff with additional tools to engage in consortium-wide collaborations in conducting groundbreaking engaged research.

This page is the first stop for practical tools and resources.

Available Tools
and Resources

UNIC's Engaged Researcher Toolkit

Societal challenges call for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research contributions. Hence Engaged Research is not for humanities or social sciences only, but for any discipline. Furthermore, Engaged Research is for anyone who wishes to make positive impact in our societies and for their improvement.

This toolkit, for engaged researchers, aims to enhance the existing knowledge of engaged research methodologies, terminologies, and practices and to assist the professional development of researchers in conducting engaged research projects.

This webpage includes a UNIC for Engaged Research Glossary and various written and online sources collected from the consortium members in different languages (English, French, German, Spanish, Croatian, etc.) together with practice insights on engaged research.

You can access the toolkit webpage here

The Importance of Science Communication

This self-learning-course is open to every UNIC researcher and covers the topic science communication. It tackles the central questions from why communicating the own research to different platforms, methods etc. Participants will work with five videos and a digital handbook and have the chance to exchange their findings with an expert and other participants as well as use a digital self-assessment. The course can be studied at one’s own pace. Course Material can be downloaded here:

Part 1: Science and Science Communication | Materials
Part 2: The Target Audience | Materials
Part 3: The Core Message | Materials
Part 4: Format & Means | Materials
Part 5: How Do I Communicate? | Materials

Virtual Campus

This portal gives an overview of all courses, joint programmes and extra modules that are available through UNIC universities’ study programs. Besides that, it gives access to meta-repository containing research outputs which are produced within UNIC alliance.

As part of the UNIC4ER component, the UNIC Virtual Campus has developed an Open Science meta-repository. This tool automatically gathers bibliographic data via APIs from international systems such as ORCID and OpenAIRE, feeds it into the UNIC Virtual Campus, and makes it searchable and accessible.

Since February 2024, this tool supports the UNIC research community by enabling students, researchers, and staff to organize research alliances, interest groups, and discussion groups.

Access the Virtual Campus here.

Open Science Presentations
and Other Materials

Open Data Materials

Learn about most important topics & practices of open data for your own research:
• Reasons to publish data openly
• Ways to publish open data (freely accessible, embargo periods, metadata)
• FAIR data principles
• Platforms & technical requirements (open data repositories)
• Licences and rights
• Reuse of research data

Navigating Open Data: Insights and Concerns
Raisa Barthauer, Head Office of the Common Library Network (VZG) and Annette Strauch-Davey, Desy

Open and Responsible Research Data Management
Judith Biernaux, RISE - Recherche, Innovation, Support et Entreprises, Research Data Officer, University of Liège

Open Access Materials

Learn about most important topics & practices of open access for your own research:
• Advantages and possibilities for publishing papers & books; Open Access;
• Ways to publish papers & books Open Access;
• Journals, repositories, costs,
• Licences, copyrights & researchers‘ identities (ORCID);
• Impact on publication strategy;
• Developing a position to publish Open Access;
• Impact factors

Open Access Publications
Carla Hansmann & Pia Piontkowitz, University Library, Ruhr University Bochum

A Starter's Guide to Open Science

Welcome to the Erasmus University Rotterdam Open Science MOOC! This course aims to empower researchers and research support professionals with foundational knowledge to conduct, support, and disseminate research efficiently and responsibly.

This MOOC consists of 8 modules that cover the most common open science practices. At the end of this MOOC, you will be able to define open science and its main values, identify the main open science movements and practices, and recognize open science practices that you can incorporate in your workflow.

Open Science Trainings:

The trainings of “the Open Science Autumn” (2023) and “the Open Science Summer” (2024) combine expert discussions and qualification workshops on the most important aspects of Open Science. This includes sessions on open data and open access, discussions on the impacts of Open Science for both research and society as well as inputs on targeted science communication. The participants have the possibility to receive a UNIC4ER Open Science Certificate as a confirmation of the participation.

The Open Science Summer will provide expert knowledge and practical skills to raise the awareness of early career researchers for a comprehensive and recent understanding of Open Science and to support them to integrate Open Science techniques into their own research. Following the UNIC4ER Engaged Research Strategy, doctoral researchers and postdocs will discuss the impact of Open Science – for their research but also for society.

The Open Science Summer combines expert discussions and qualification workshops. Experts of all universities share their knowledge and experiences on the most important aspects of Open Science. Their joint discussions with the participants contribute to shared understandings of Open Science and integrate doctoral researchers and postdocs into the ongoing discussions – taking into account the diversity of research. The expert discussions and workshops consider training offers already existing at the individual universities and try to advance the knowledge and skills within the network. Existing offers at individual partner universities can be integrated into the programme. The Open Science Autumn and Summer are part of the UNIC4ER Open Science Campus.

For information and collaboration around Open Science don’t hesitate to contact unic.@eur.nl

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