From Solution to Implementation: Shall We Dance?

Through a sustained collaboration and structured innovation supports this UNIC Research and Innovation partnership focusing on dance for social inclusion progress thinking from challenge, to solution, to implementation.

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Cork Healthy Cities , UCC Ignite

A collaboration between Cork and Zagreb ‘Shall We Dance’ sets out to develop a community-focussed dance programme, that harnesses the power of dance for physical, mental and social health and wellbeing. This initiative focuses on demonstrating how dance is a way to share and express cultural heritage, identify and diversity and how it can strengthen cultural integration and diversity in the city.

The collaboration began in response to the 2022 Global Design Challenge for Sport and Physcial Activity where the team submitted their pitch for a UNIC innovation initative, that would harness the potential of the UNIC Alliance working transnationally and commecting University and community partners.

Led by Cork based social entrepreneur, Tania Zor, the UNIC Research and Innovation collaborative team connectes academics, community organisations and physical education instructors in Cork and Zagreb:

  • Tania Zor, Founder Amdie (Anahuac Mexican Dance Ireland) and Team Lead
  • Armida De La Garza Mendez, Senior Lecturer in Digital Arts and Humanities, University College Cork
  • Cliona Maher, International Office, University College Cork
  • Sheelagh Broderick, Arts for Health Coordinator, Health Service Executive (HSE) Cork
  • Jadranka Vlašić, Faculty of Kinesiology and Professor of Dance, University of Zagreb

Since their initial pitch developed under the Global Design Challenge:Sport and Physcial Activity for Social Inclusion and their winning of the Global Design Challenge UNIC Award the international team have been developing the design for a trans-national pilot programme for dance for social inclusion linked to an engaged research initiative. Cork will host local CityLab co-creation workshops in August with a view to kickstarting a pilot and engaged research initiative later this year.

The GDC UNIC CityLabs Award provides a package of Structured Innovation Supports to local entrepreneur as Team Lead - to nurture the collaboration and innovation initiative bringing it from initial ideation, through conceptual development, validating the concept and testing and development.

Additional to the collaboration team, the structured innovation supports provides further expert inputs to the innovation process from partner UCC IGNITE, UCC's comprehensive start-up incubation programme, as well as life coaching and expert subject matter mentors.

Creative Commons Image by Paulo Bergomi Winner WIKI LOVES FOLKLORE 2023


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