This “big picture” challenge is directly inspired by the Cork City Development Plan 2022-28 Strategic Objectives One and Two where land-use and transport planning is integrated to ‘achieve a compact city with 50% of all new homes delivered within the existing built-up footprint of the City on regenerated brownfield, infill and greenfield sites …’ while concurrently advocating to ‘develop a sustainable, liveable city of neighbourhoods and communities based on the 15-minute city concept, ensuring that placemaking, accessibility and safety is at the heart of all development.’
This research investigates the potential for providing additional homes close to Cork City Centre that are suitable for families and households of different sizes and needs. By researching different types of housing and their locations, and working with various providers of housing and representatives of different groups of people, we can identify existing and perceived challenges and learn from best practice.
Through this research, UCC have developed knowledge partnerships with international UNIC colleagues in Malmö University and Deusto University, Bilbao.
First steps involved reviewing policy, literature and population research on the topic, while also identifying stakeholders with project partners using a stakeholder mapping exercise in January 2024. This was co-developed in a stakeholder-mapping workshop held with project partners from Cork City Council, Approved Housing Bodies and Cork Public Participation Network.
This mapping exercise identifies the diverse range of stakeholders to whom this issue is relevant. These city stakeholders will be invited to participate in a co-creation workshop in Cork in summer 2024, where housing in the city themes will be collaboratively explored, with key actors from across the quadruple helix present. Insights from international partners experiences will be shared at this local event.
A report on the research and findings will be published and shared these with partners and stakeholders.