ANAMED Talks – Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula: Musealization and Urban Conservation

ANAMED presented the talk of a former ANAMED fellow Pınar Aykaç. Led by former ANAMED fellow Belgin Turan Özkaya, their discussion delved into the topic of "Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula: Musealization and Urban Conservation."

Virtual Place


Start: 27.10.2022
End: 27.10.2022



ANAMED (Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations-Koç University) featured former ANAMED fellow Pınar Aykaç. Moderated by former ANAMED fellow Belgin Turan Özkaya, their talk addressed Sultanahmet, Istanbul’s Historic Peninsula: Musealization and Urban Conservation, which explored how the concept of a museum had expanded beyond the confines of a single building to encompass the historic city itself through the process of musealization.


ANAMED, the Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations, housed in the historic Merkez Han on Istanbul’s Istiklal Street, was founded in 2005to develop and facilitate research projects that are dedicated to the history, art, architecture and archaeology of civilizations in Türkiye. As the first local academic research center founded to support scientific research on the history of Anatolia, ANAMED carries out this mission through publications, exhibitions, symposia, and fellowship for doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers.

The center aims to develop and facilitate research projects that are dedicated to the history, art, architecture and archaeology of civilizations in Türkiye through exhibitions, symposiums, fellowships, publications and educational programs.

The talk articulated how historic cities undergo a unique urban transformation during their musealization, offering a study of Istanbul’s historic Sultanahmet district as a case in point. This district has held a central role in Turkish planning, conservation, and museological studies since the nineteenth century, representing the public façade of the city. The author provided insights rooted in empirical evidence and contextual specificity into the contribution of museums to the revitalization of historic cities.

Musealization, as an urban process, takes on different forms in diverse geographic, cultural, and ideological settings and over various time periods. By delving into the Sultanahmet district's experience as another instance of a city undergoing the musealization process, the book offered additional perspectives on this globally significant phenomenon.


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