VMP - Towards more Societal Engagement & Inclusion in Medical Practices: Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux's intervention

Over the last ten years, Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux has developed a strong commitment to interdisciplinary research and action, along with epidemiologists, medical doctors, environmental scientists, and socio-anthropologists, under the One Health and EcoHealth concepts.

Virtual Place



Start: 16.05.2023
End: 16.05.2023


The program consisted of two parts. Each part follows this structure:

Each invited speaker shortly introduces his or herself and briefly shares the topic she/he wants to elaborate on in the round table discussion Round table discussion starts. Guiding questions:

  • how does engagement of society and their communities ideally look like?
  • what (innovative) practices can be shared/elaborated on?
  • how do you encourage this approach internally for colleagues to follow?
  • what obstacles/barriers are encountered when doing that? -what would you like to learn from one of the other UNIC medical faculties?

During the second part, Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, (One Health, ULiège) spoke about "Reach and Inclusion".


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