Co-Creation and Engaged Research: Science Meets the City

A transnational learning workshop: from data collector to co-researcher - how to successfully collaborate with society.

Virtual Place



Start: 10.11.2022
End: 10.11.2022


IPIC , Tyndall Institute , Community Academic Research Links

Citizen participation, stakeholder engagement, and open innovation in science are just a few of the buzzwords that scientists and lecturers have recently been confronted with more and more frequently. This event brrought together staff and students from across the UNIC Alliance to learn more about these concepts and methods that fall under the umbrella term Engaged Research.

Following a keynote presentation from Dr. Annette Klinkert, Executive Director European Science Engagement Association, EUSEA, parallel sessions offered participants the opportunity to explore diverse methodological approaches and considerations for Engaged Research.

University College Cork hosted a discussion on Science Meets the City hearing from:

  • Dr Anna Kingston, Manager of CARL (Community Academic Resaerch Links) on the Science Shop model in UCC
  • Eamonn O'Sullivan, Community Engagement Officer for IPIC at Tyndall Nationall Institute Cork

The Community-Academic Research Links (CARL) initiative is based on the Science Shop model and was one of the first of its type to be established in the Republic of Ireland in 2006. The first CARL projects with community partners began in September 2010. CARL has produced impressive and important pieces of research that have generated a huge interest outside the university walls and the project reports have even had an impact at government policy level. To date, over 130 Research Reports have been produced in partnership with community and civil society organisations which are available as open research here.

IPIC the SFI Centre for photonics, is Ireland’s centre of excellence for research, innovation and PhD training in photonics – the science and application of light – which today represents a 0.5 Trillion$ global industry. Eamonn is IPIC’s Community Engagement Officer. His responsibilities include building a community engagement programme developing conversations with the public and community groups on the future direction of the Centre's research and the societal challenges their work will address. Eamon also connects with colleague in Tyndall on supporting institutional transformation, including with TIME4CS which focuses on supporting and facilitating the implementation of sustainable Institutional Changes in Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) to promote Citizen Science and public engagement (citizens and citizens associations) in science and technology.

Over 100 people registered for teh overall session and 15 joined this parallel session for a deep dive into the Science Shop model and insitutional level work to support Engaged Research. Participants came from Koc in Istanbul, Lodz in Poland, Deusto in Spain, Malmo in Sweden and Liege in Belgium.


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