VMP: Citizens’ engagement in HEI curriculum

This Virtual Meeting Platform was part of joint event hosted by RUB with broader topic From data collector to co-researcher - how to successfully collaborate with society. Within this event we organized a workshop on Citizens’ engagement in HEI curriculum where we discussed experience of service learning approach at the University of Zagreb, and shared ideas with colleagues from RUB and Oulu using interactive tools.

Virtual Place

ZOOM platform


Start: 10.11.2022
End: 10.11.2022


10.55 – 11.10 CITIZENS' ENGAGEMENT IN HEI CURRICULUM: IMPLEMENTATION OF A SERVICE-LEARNING APPROACH: Experience from University of Zagreb, Croatia Author: Koraljka Modić Stanke 11.10 – 11.45 Group discussion 11.45 – 11.50 Conclusion

6 academics (4 from UNIZG, 1 from OULU, 1 from RUB)

In this workshop we presented experience from the University of Zagreb in developing service-learning programs. University of Zagreb has demonstrated an institutional support that would enhance development of new curriculum based on service – learning. Several project calls were specifically designed for such programs. The most important ones were Erasmus+ KA2 project Europe Engage - Developing a Culture of Civic Engagement through Service-Learning within Higher Education in Europe (2015-2017) and ESF call for proposals “Support to the development of partnerships of civil society organizations and higher education institutions for the implementation of service-learning programs” (2018-2020) (over 150 eligible project proposals, 27 granted projects). The interesting point about later one is that HEI institutions could be only partners, while NGOs were entitled as project leaders. This gave additional incentive for collaboration between university and societal stakeholders. Additionally, at the University of Zagreb an office for service – learning has been established. Additionally, we presentated examples of service-learning programs and a course “Service-Learning and Social Interventions” held at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law, Social Work Study Centre. Based on Zagreb expirience, in an open discussion we pointed on several obstacles that should be overcome in order to fully develop service learning programs. These are: lack of human resources, lack of knowledge or motivation, the way courses are structured in one semestar, lack of institutional structures and support. We also cncluded that there are opportunities to develop international cources based on service- learning approach and that UNIC alliance is an excellent surrounding for such initatives.


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