Panellists: 5
Students: 22
Professionals: 18
Citizens: 13
Teachers, trainers or University professors: 4
Forum of knowledge dissemination among academia, citizens, government and students around ageing well, which will give city stakeholders a comprehensive vision of this current challenge
Virtual Place
Bilbao City Council
With an increasing elder population in such a specific context like post-industrial cities, our municipalities and social agents have already had to start working on solving this important challenge. Silver Economy is not only a fashionable expression, but also a huge field of study involving Law, Business Studies, Sociology and other Human Sciences. It is thus necessary for society to approach this issue from a multidisciplinary vision that focuses on the elderly’s interests and considers them as an active and important pressure group. On this occasion and considering the context of the city of Bilbao, Isidro Liarte (Citizen from Bilbao), Iñigo Calvo Sotomayor (Professor and researcher at Deusto Business School), María Jesús del Blanco (Sector manager at Bilbao Ekintza, Bilbao City Council), Carlos García (Integrated Social Services Group)and Andoni Valcuende (Student from the University of Deusto) shared their experience, knowledge, initiatives, opinions and considerations on the impact of the silver economy in the city of Bilbao.
Panellists: 5
Students: 22
Professionals: 18
Citizens: 13
Teachers, trainers or University professors: 4
The challenge of ageing well in post-industrial society goes beyond our health systems. On the contrary, it should consider different aspects of today’s city's governance: leisure, facilities, accessibility, education, isolation, security and so on. The elderly shall not be considered a childish group, but a segment in society that needs re-consideration and that has a great potential in terms of offer and demand and as a pressure group.
UNIC CityLabs
Silver economy