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Pandemic and tourism industry: An opportunity to building-back-better. Presentation of the students

Activity embedded in the UNIC Generations’ Lab (BIP) in the framework of the session entitled Pandemic and tourism industry: An opportunity to building-back-better

Virtual Place


Start: 09.06.2022
End: 06.06.2022


The students analyzed different case studies (Australia, Kenya, India) taking into consideration the Bilbao experience. The final aim was to identify common processes, challenges, opportunities. The presentation was provided by using the platform

  • Specific challenge/topic

The students answer to the research questions and explain the main characteristics of other case studies. Comparison with the Bilbao case study. Identification of common challenges and opportunities that can be adopted in different context.

  • Program of the activity (please include the hour when each part of the class/activity start)

14:00- 14:05 General opening and introduction of the session 14:05- 15:20 Review of the first class; 15:20- 15:45 Presentation of the developed analysis. 15:45- 16:00 Discussion among participants on the challenges and the solutions that have been presented.

Total participants: 3

  • Specific challenge/topic The students answer to the research questions and explain the main characteristics of other case studies. Comparison with the Bilbao case study. Identification of common challenges and opportunities that can be adopted in different context.

Total students: 3

Use of the knowledge that has been previously learned. Detailed analysis of different case studies. Identification of the challenges and the most effective adopted solutions.


UNIC CityLabs


Sustainable tourism

Type of Case




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